
Enter access code.
There is one message waiting for you.
Program Complete. Enter when ready.
Auto-shutdown sequence in progress. Primary power offline in one minute.
Incoming message.
Incoming subspace signal.
Priority one message from starfleet coming in on secure channel.
Warning. Warp core colaps in ten seconds.
Systems online.
Access Denied.
One minute to autodestruct.
Please input command codes.
The captain in not on the ship.
Input algorithm not accepted.
Emergency power engaged.
Direction unclear, please repeat request.
Automatic defence procedure initiated.
Library computer is temporarily offline.

We are the Borg ... (Borgské společenství)
Your life as it has been is over. (Locutus)
I am the Borg. (Borgská královna)

Sedmá z devíti
I will always be Borg.
I have been damaged.
My designation is seven of nine ...
The way your pupils dilate ...
I will not comply.
Pleasure is irrelevant.

Make it so.
Red alert. Battle stations.
Welcome aboard.
Ready phasers, load torpedo bays. Engage.

Hailing frequencies open, sir.
Do not hug me!
I am a graduate of StarFleet Academy, I know many things.
It is a good day to die.

Good night, captain. Sleep well, sir.
Computer, execute the complete shutdown of the holodeck.

Live long and prosper.

Dam it, Jim, I'm a doctor, not a bell-hop!
Dam it, Jim, I'm a surgeon, not a geologist!
Dam it, Jim, I'm a doctor, not a target!
Dam it, Jim, I'm a doctor, not a diplomat!
Dam it, Jim, I'm a doctor, not an arbitrator!
Dam it, Jim, I'm a surgeon, not an alien computer science specialist!
Dam it, Jim, I'm a doctor, not a structural ingeneer!
Dam it, Jim, I'm a doctor, not a rocket scientist!
Dam it, Jim, I'm a doctor, not a computer scientist!
He's dead Jim.

I don't know how long she can take it, captain.
Not my engines.
Enterprise to captain Kirk.
Sorry captain, but we can not do that, ...
Captain, I'm affraid we've got a wee problem here.

Pavel Chekov
I am Pavel Chekov, ...

Ostatní zvuky
Komunikátor - aktivace
Dochází energie